
Minimally Invasive spine surgery (MISS)

Minimally Invasive spine surgery (MISS) is sometimes called less invasive spine surgery. In these procedures, doctors use specialized instruments to access the spine through small incisions.

Surgeon uses a video camera and tiny surgical instruments for the surgery. The camera allows the surgeon to see the area affected while the instruments enable the doctor to carry out spinal procedures, such as spinal decompression or spinal fusions.

The primary goal of minimally invasive spine surgery (MIS) surgery is to stabilize the vertebral bones and spinal joints and/or relieve pressure being applied to the spinal nerves.

In a traditional open surgery, the doctor makes an incision that is 5 to 6 inches long, then moves the muscles to the side in order to see the spine. With the muscles pulled to the side, the surgeon can access the spine to remove diseased and damaged bone or intervertebral disks.

The surgeon can also easily see to place screws, cages, and any bone graft materials necessary to stabilize the spinal bones and promote healing.

Conditions Treated Using MIS Procedures

Benefits of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

The Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice reports minimally invasive spine procedures are often viewed as superior to standard open spine surgeries.

Comparatively, to open surgery there's less injury to your soft tissues and muscles in a minimally invasive spine surgery. Some of the benefits include:

and few others which you can get to know from your surgeon.

Common MIS Surgery Treatment Options

A number of specific techniques have been deployed for MIS surgery. Though the field continues to develop, the list below highlights some of the most common options:
